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Meet Binu

It’s all about internal freedom & happiness and a long quality of life. I am here to let you know it's all possible. All of it.
Feel free to hang around me and I will show you the way.

About Me

Binu Dhindsa is an Empowerment Coach, a Certified Hypnotist for Healing and Spiritual Mentor, which in a nutshell is helping people from a deeper soul level.

She’s an author, a leader, a writer and a speaker. Her specialty areas for coaching are helping people trust their own intuition, living a judgement free life, reprogramming the subconscious mind, and bringing law of attraction and spiritual concepts into everyday life.

Binu also loves to support her clients with creating their best relationships (as pertaining to yourself, your friends, your spouse, and your children) and emotional self-management so fear and anxiety and overwhelm and stress no longer define you. Binu believes the relationships in our home or the closest ones is where the magic can begin to happen, to start moving everyone towards living a better life, one with more ease, flow, joy and happiness.

Binu has a Masters degree in Epidemiology & Biostatistics, which is the study of the factors that bring upon disease. Her love for math has lead her to studying numerology as well and she now is a specialist in helping people understand signs & synchronicities in their lives, a part of Universal spirituality as she calls it. Whether it’s numbers or feathers or other signs from the Universe, Binu helps her clients discern meaning for their own personal life so everyone can truly start seeing the extra support that is always there for us energetically.

Experiencing grief as a young 20 year old, she has gone on to study the spiritual side of grief and how incredible healing can be with deeper understanding of what grief is and how to move forward through it. Binu now coaches many people who have sick loved ones or loved ones who have passed.

She is fascinated in sharing how a whole health and spiritual approach used in our daily lives can help keep illnesses away and help our closest relationships flourish, allowing our body, mind and inner spirit to all work together for a long, healthy, meaningful quality of life.

The magic formula has truly been discovered. It’s taking these deeper ideas and concepts and applying them to practical life. She likes to call it her Practual Formula! (Spiritual and practical merged together). This is truly where the magic happens.

As a personal trainer, nutrition enthusiast and hypnosis and soul coach, her last few years have focused on relationships, that to ourselves and with those closest to us; the subconscious mind, the unconscious mind and the soul mind as she likes to call it; that hold our stuck emotions, and our past experiences, leaving many of us in a spiral of unknown and unwanted thoughts and feelings. All together this allows us to see the impact of our limiting beliefs, and stress on our mental and physical bodies. She has studied stress response and relaxation response at the Whole Health Medical Institute and has been collecting data over the last many years where patterns have started to show up, especially in the teenagers.

The pandemic brought many teenagers to be coached and there is definitely a pattern with what is happening in the young brain in this day and age. With the proper tools and understanding and a whole bunch of love, Binu believes everyone can live a life of peace and calm and happiness!

Binu now guides and teaches many people about hypnosis type meditations, and teaches people to do self-hypnosis, so we can all learn how to self-program positivity and empowerment back into our brains.

Improving our closest relationships can help our overall life – true awareness in all aspects of health can improve our current health state, but our relationships are at the core of everything, and with this part of life improving, every part of life can improve, one day at a time.

As a busy mom of 3, two teenagers, and a 21 year old, plus a husband she’s been married to for 27 years she has created a life plan that has EASE & FLOW written all over it. It all started with these relationships in her home. They were all very imperfect and with many trainers, and coaching and practice, they are all flourishing better than ever before! There is always room for improvement as truly that’s the life and soul journey we are all on…we continue to grow and evolve.

Her life plan allows her to energize daily with exercise, proper nutrition, stress reducing techniques, daily mindfulness habits, and NEW communication strategies in a balanced way to keep life flowing well and giving the body and brain what it needs to thrive so she has the energy to give back, and play full out. Binu believes our kids need a new way of parenting; a new way of communicating that we were never taught. The world is different now and the next generation is having a very different experience than we did. Binu is here to share how to adjust and adapt in ways where we lead our lives with more love and calm than ever before. It won’t only help ourselves, but it will help our kids in more ways than we can ever imagine.

Binu believes we all have a part to play in shaping the next generation so they live a life with less stress and more ease and flow….a way of life we all deserve and how it was actually supposed to be!

She believes in the perfectly imperfect way of life, so even for those thought leaders out there, some days all the healthy habits are working on a minimum. It’s what Binu teaches to do in those moments that has changed her life and the lives of those who work with her. She is passionate about staying as healthy as possible, less stressed, doing her best, being impeccable with her word, not taking things personally and never making assumptions….it’s helped her to live out her life purpose, and hopes to empower others to do the same.

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